21 Days of Prayer for Life – Day 7:

What to Pray For Today:

  1. PRAY FOR PARENTS. The pro-life movement now features young activists who are both committed and creative about defending life. Most learned it from their parents. Pray that moms and dads would teach and model the truth about the inherent dignity of every life, so that their kids would learn to embrace it too
  2. PRAY FOR CHILDREN IN THE WOMB DIAGNOSED WITH DOWN SYNDROME OR OTHER MEDICAL CONDITIONS. Too often, tests like amniocentesis become a justification for taking life rather than a means of helping. Pray that God would supernaturally protect these children
  3. PRAY THAT GOD CALLS MEN AND WOMEN TO THE MINISTRY OF BIOETHICS.  Medical technology allows us to see inside the womb like never before, which protects some children while putting others at risk. Pray that God raises up thoughtful, talented medical professionals to point expectant parents in a life-affirming direction.

Source: “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– click here

Henry Luke 2/9/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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“The 15:17 to Paris” Heroes and their Faith

“A major studio has just released a film about three heroic Americans who stopped a terrorist attack—and it ties that heroism to their Christian faith.

On August 21, 2015, a high-speed train left Brussels bound for Paris. Among the more than 500 passengers was a 25-year-old Moroccan man named Ayoub El Khazzani.

Shortly after the train entered France, he emerged from the bathroom armed with an assault rifle and 270 rounds of ammunition, intent on perpetrating another terrorist massacre.

After throwing one passenger to the floor and shooting another, he entered a compartment containing three life-long friends from Sacramento: Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler, and Alek Skarlatos.

You probably know what happened next: Skarlatos yelled “Get him,” and the three friends charged the gunman and subdued him. In the process, Stone, who was an Air Force medic, was stabbed several times. But despite his injuries, he treated the passenger who had been shot, placing his fingers into the man’s wound and pressing on an artery, which stopped the bleeding.”

For rest of story click here and go to the movie.

Henry Luke 2/9/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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21 Days of Prayer for Life: Day 6:

What to Pray For Today:

  1. PRAY FOR GOD’S PROVISION. Planned Parenthood gets millions each year in tax dollars, but pro-life pregnancy centers get none. Pray that churches and benefactors would stand with them so their efforts to reach abortion-minded women could grow.
  2. PRAY FOR PRO-LIFERS IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE. Public servants who oppose abortion are constantly attacked for not doing enough to help the poor. Pray that they stay on message: Abortion is wrong because it intentionally kills an innocent human being. And that’s why government policy should encourage private charities rather than undermine them.
  3. PRAY FOR LEGAL COVERING. Increasingly, pro-life pregnancy centers are under attack from hostile politicians. California, for example, just passed a law requiring these centers to refer for abortion. Pray for a successful reversal of all unjust laws like this one.

Source: “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– click here

Henry Luke 2/5/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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21 Days of Prayer for Life: Day 5

What to Pray For Today:

1. PRAY FOR SALVATION. We do not need an excuse for our sin. We need an exchange—Christ’s righteousness for our sinfulness [2 Corinthians 5:21] Pray that people are not deceived by a false gospel. We are sinners, but Jesus said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” [Luke 5:32]. James Montgomery Boice puts it well: “The most important thing in life is to know that Jesus is able to save you from sin. The second most important thing is to know that you require it.” Pray that post-abortion men and women see their true need.
2. PRAY FOR PASTORS AND OTHER CLERGY. Too many pastors who say they are pro-life hedge their teaching on abortion because they fear backlash. Pastors should always approach abortion with biblical compassion, but when they are silent, Christians are not equipped to engage the culture with biblical truth. Pray that God would grant the pastors in your community courage to teach the entire counsel of Scripture, including commands against the shedding of innocent blood.
Pro-lifers must not only contend with the secular culture, we also must contend with the distortion of Scripture. Pray for clearly stated arguments that cannot be easily dismissed by those seeking to distort Scripture and justify sin.

Source: “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– click here

Henry Luke 1/25/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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21 Days of Prayer for Life: Day 4 – A Pro-Life View in Three Easy Steps

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing. What to Pray For Today:

  1. PRAY THAT THIS ISSUE IS SIMPLIFIED. Abortion is seen as morally complex, but it’s really not. Is the unborn a member of the human family? Pray that voters, friends, and family members are not distracted by side issues that miss the point entirely.
  2. PRAY FOR COURAGE. We all know how hard it can be to speak about this issue when we have the opportunity. Pray that you and your family, and your pro-life friends would have confidence in the truth and act when called upon to do so.
  3. PRAY FOR ACCESS. Pray that pro-life faculty in secular universities will have academic freedom to present a persuasive pro-life case to the age group most at risk for abortion.

What if you found yourself in a conversation about your prolife views. How should you proceed?

  1. Keep the main issue the main issue: Pro-life advocates contend that abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being. This simplifies the entire controversy to just one question: Is the unborn a member of the human family? If so, killing him or her to benefit others is a serious moral wrong.
  2. Use science: The facts of embryology establish that from the earliest stages of development, the unborn are distinct, living, and whole human beings. True, they have yet to grow and mature, but they are whole human beings nonetheless.
  3. Use Philosophy: There is no morally significant difference between the embryo you once were and the adult you are today that justifies killing you at that earlier stage of development. SLED is a helpful reminder of non-essential differences:

Size: You were smaller as an embryo, but does body size determine value? Of course not!

Level of Development: You were less developed as an embryo, but infants are less developed than teenagers physically and mentally. Do we think they have less value? Of course not!

Environment: Where you are has no bearing on what you are. Does an eight inch journey through the birth canal change the essential value of the unborn? Of course not!

Degree of Dependency: You depended on your mother for survival, but does dependence on another human determine value? Of course not!

Source: “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– click here

Henry Luke 1/23/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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Why Pro-life? A Summary of 4 reasons:

“#1: The Bible Affirms Life. Scripture is clear that all humans have value because they are imago dei, or made in the image of God [Genesis 1:26-28; James 3:9; Ephesians 4:24]. In other words, humans are valuable by virtue of who they are, not because of what they can do. Humans have value simply because they are human. Because humans bear the image of God, the shedding of innocent blood is strictly forbidden [Exodus 23:7; Proverbs 6:16-19; Matthew 5:21].

#2: Science Affirms Life. The science of embryology is clear that from the earliest stages of development, the unborn are distinct, living, and whole human beings. True, they have yet to grow and mature, but they are whole human beings nonetheless.

#3: Logic Affirms Life. If humans only have value because of some characteristic they possess in varying degrees, those with more of it have greater rights than those with less. Then human equality is a myth. But, pro-life Christians have a better explanation for human equality. Our value is grounded in our common human nature, not a degreed property like self-awareness that none of us share equally and may come and go in the course of our lifetimes. When did you get that human nature? You got it the moment you began to exist— conception.

#4: Our Founding Documents Affirm Life. Some of our country’s most important documents – like The Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, and Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” – have their roots in the biblical concept of the imago dei. If God doesn’t exist, where do human rights come from? If they come only from the State, the same government that grants rights can take them away. If human rights are to be absolute, they must come from a source higher than the State. That’s what the authors of our founding documents believed: that every human being is “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” The first of these rights is the right to life.

Abortion Facts And Statistics:

  • About one in three women will have an abortion by age 45.
  • Nearly two-thirds of women having abortions say they are Christians.
  • Almost half (49 percent) of abortions are among women and teens 24 years old and younger.
  • More than 85 percent of “abortion-minded” women will change their minds about having an abortion if they are allowed to see an ultrasound picture of their babies.
  • About 13 percent of American women are African-American, yet they account for more than 35 percent of all abortions.
  • Less than one in seven Caucasian pregnancies end in abortion, but almost one in two African-American pregnancies end in abortion.
  • Hispanic women account for 21 percent of all abortions.
  • About 85 percent of women who had abortions in the U.S. were unmarried A

Notes: A- Here is a link to the source of the summary above and “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– http://www.breakpoint.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/FINAL-2018_21-Days-PDF_v1_sm.pdf

Henry Luke 1/24/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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21 Days of Prayer for Life: Day 3 – Men, Let’s Talk.

The men in our culture have been fed a lie. It goes like this: “Only women have a right to speak on abortion.” It’s time to debunk that lie.

First, it misses the point entirely. Whether it’s right or wrong to intentionally kill any living thing depends on what kind of being it is. Is the unborn one of us? To answer that question, we must examine the validity and soundness of the respective arguments, not the gender of whoever is advancing them. To assert that only women can speak on abortion is to commit what’s called “the ad-hominem fallacy”—that is, attacking the person rather than the argument he or she presents. There is no such thing as a “woman’s argument” on abortion any more than there is a man’s argument or a short person’s argument.

Second, it raises a troubling question: Which women get to speak? Do unborn females get a vote? What about the millions of pro-life women? Indeed, women in general have no single perspective on the issue. This is true even for women who support abortion. For example, self-identified feminist Naomi Wolf calls abortion “a real death,” while feminist Katha Pollitt thinks abortion no different than vacuuming out your house.

Put simply, arguments don’t have gender. People do. And while gender perspectives on abortion help us understand personal experience, they can’t tell us whether abortion is right or wrong. Arguments stand or fall independent of our identity as a woman or a man. If no man can speak on abortion, we need to reverse Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that brought us abortion-on-demand. After all, nine men decided the case!

Third, the case for life is strong! Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being. Pro-life women and men equally defend that truth with science and philosophy. No wonder our detractors want to change the subject!

If critics think our case is mistaken, fair enough. Let them refute it. But taking cheap shots at gender won’t do the trick

What to Pray For Today:

  1. PRAY THAT MEN WILL HAVE COURAGE. Huge numbers of Christian men have bought into the lie that they cannot speak out on the issue of abortion, and they are therefore silent. We need compassionate and courageous men in our culture more than ever.
  2. PRAY FOR CHRISTIAN FAMILIES. Christian families are not immune to the temptation of the “easy fix” of abortion. Plus, our kids are hearing there are no moral truths, but only personal perspectives on issues like this. Increasingly, they also hear that dads are irrelevant. Pray that God strengthens families in the church.
  3. PRAY THOSE CHURCHES DEVELOP RESOURCES FOR MEN. Men draw courage when their strengths are celebrated, and their God-given gifts are affirmed. Many men opt out of church because they feel out of place. Pray that local churches develop strong fellowship and apologetics resources aimed at engaging the hearts AND minds of men with the truth of the pro-life position.

Source: “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– click here

Henry Luke 1/23/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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21 Days of Prayer for Life: Day 2 – “I Hope It’s a Girl”

“I am getting an abortion and there is nothing you can do about it.”

Leah had a full athletic scholarship to a major Christian university. If the school learned of the pregnancy, she would lose her scholarship and her college education. She decided that a baby would not put these things at risk.

The counselor at the pregnancy care center had one hope to change her mind: She asked Leah to agree to a free ultrasound. Leah agreed. With the child’s life hanging in the balance, the ultrasound nurse listened to Leah’s concerns and asked some gentle questions. Never once did she pressure Leah or shut down her concerns. Throughout the entire exam, Leah was glued to the screen.

When the exam was over, Leah whispered six words that revealed everything had changed: “I hope it’s a girl.” Another life was saved because of ultrasound.

Thankfully, ultrasound can reach many women at risk for abortion. Pregnancy centers nationwide confirm that when a client sees her child via ultrasound, the odds of abortion drop dramatically. In the past, we only had words. Now, pregnancy care centers and mobile units can offer clients a window into the womb. When a pro-life pregnancy center has a full range of medical services, including ultrasound exams, lives are saved.

What to Pray For Today:

  1. PRAY FOR RESOURCES. Quality ultrasound machines are expensive. Outside of a major financial grant, most centers cannot afford the state of the art technology needed to reach clients most at risk for abortion. Pray that Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and other pro-life events will release funds to these centers.
  2. PRAY FOR STAFFING. Every pregnancy help center that offers ultrasound exams needs a medical director—a doctor or nurse—who can devote at least 15 hours a week to serve clients. Pray that God will raise up local medical personnel to take on the medical director role at local clinics.
  3. PRAY FOR ENCOURAGEMENT FOR STAFF. When a client defies attempts at intervention and chooses abortion, the staff is devastated. Imagine pouring everything you have into saving a child and helping a mother, yet to no avail. Pray that God strengthens the hearts of staff and volunteers who invest their emotions in the service of others.

Source: “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– click here

Henry Luke 1/22/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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21 Days of Prayer for Life: Day 1 – The Case for Life is Sound

Megan confidently took the stage and presented her case. This was no easy audience: 500 young men and women at a New England Catholic high school. Many were Ivy League bound, and already skeptical that a case for life could even be made.

Later, Megan got this email from Alex, president of the student philosophy club:

“I want to thank you again for speaking. I’ve gone to Catholic school my whole life, and I as well as my classmates have been fed the same argument against abortion for years: that God and the Bible say that it’s wrong, so it’s wrong. As a result of this, discussion on abortion became almost binary. Most regarded it as simply opinion, and never bothered trying to make a case of their own or debate the other side.

I’d like you to know that you changed that.

This was the first case against abortion I’ve heard that does not require a leap of faith. You proved your points with science and philosophy.

I’ve checked out pro life training, and I look forward to listening to the podcasts and reading the resources that are provided there. Thank you for your time, and thank you for changing the way the students see the battlefield of moral dilemmas.”

Do we believe the case for life is really true? Are we willing to share it with others? The Case for Life is Sound.

 DAY 1What to Pray For Today:

  1. PRAY FOR OPPORTUNITY. You may never be asked to speak to a group of cynical teenagers like Megan, but you may be asked to have a conversation with a friend, neighbor, or family member who is not pro-life. Pray that you will have courage when that time comes.
  2. PRAY FOR KNOWLEDGE. Many people, like Alex did before Megan’s presentation, think that the question of abortion is one of opinion, not fact. Pray that pro-lifers will learn to thoughtfully and lovingly present a compelling case for life that changes hearts and minds.
  3. PRAY FOR COURAGE The truth is on the side of life. Pray that God will provide opportunities for the message to spread person-to-person. Pray that God would raise up more pro-life apologists like Megan, and grant them opportunities to persuade audiences.

Source: Here is a link to “21 Days of Prayer for life–calling Christians to unite, to pray, and to engage for the case of life”– click here

Henry Luke 1/22/2018

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple/teach others as described in 2 Timothy 2:2 click here.

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Mildred Fay Jefferson (1926-2010) CHRISTIANS WHO CHANGED THEIR WORLD

by: Glenn Sunshine  [click on his name for more stories about CHRISTIANS WHO CHANGED THEIR WORLD]

Coming from the segregated South in an era of intense racism, Dr. Jefferson’s accomplishments as a pioneer for women and blacks in medicine would be cause enough to celebrate her life. Yet today she is most remembered for her tireless work opposing abortion, both as a physician in the Hippocratic tradition and as a Christian.   Click here for her story:
