God works everything for good to those who love him.

H- Genesis 50:6 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.

E- After Josephs brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, Joseph ended up at age 30 as the number 2 person in all of Egypt. He bought grain for storage during 7 years of large harvests then begin to sell it during 7 years of drought. Jacob [Israel] moved the 75 members of his family to Egypt and now Jacob has died. The brothers went to Joseph in fear and promised to be his servants.

But Joseph responded in v.6 that they meant it evil when they sold Joseph into slavery but God in the long term meant for good to preserve many people alive. This was only the beginning of God’s promises to Abraham; that after 430 years over 2.5 million people left Egypt and returned to the promised land. A

The promises that God made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph were ultimately fulfilled by the coming of Jesus to earth to pay the price for my sins. Therefore all Disciples are descendants of Abraham heir according to promise.B

God is eternally good as seen in the New Testament equivalent of Genesis 50:6: And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.C

A- X Praise the Lord that God causes all things to work for good for His children. This was true for Joseph and today.

R- Father God help me to trust that You will work things for good in my life in all circumstances and to be thankful.

Henry Luke

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple others click here.

Notes: A- Timeline to departure from Egypt; B- Galatians 3: 29; C- 1993 Life Verse  Romans 8:28;

V- Commentaries by Book by Percept Austin; X- 4 steps in The H.E.A.R method of Bible study and worship; Y- Disciples” or “Christians”?