Jehovah – The Relational God #2

Prayer using the A.C.T.S. format:

Genesis 2:4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD *[Jehovah]  [O] God [Elohim]  [N] made earth and heaven. NASB

Adoration – Elohim exhibits God displaying His power as the creator and governor of the physical universe. The name Jehovah designates His nature as he stands in relation to man, as the only almighty, true, personal, and holy Being. LORD * I adore You because You chose to relate to people in the Old Testament using this name. Jesus came as a man so we can clearly know the attributes of God, first revailed to the Apostles. Now we see Your attributes in the Word as recorded by the Apostles who interacted with Jesus in person. I adore the presence of Jesus in my life through the Holy Spirit. [A] [* Our English versions translate Jehovah as LORD, with the last 3 letters usually in small capitals. WordPress does not support small capitals, therefore I use all caps as LORD]

Confession – Too many days I do not recognize the presence of Jesus in my life either all or part of the day. In those times I turn from being Jesus-centered to self-centered. I was frustrated yesterday about events relating to our move more than one time; becoming self-centered. I repent of this sin of frustration, ask God for forgiveness and help to change my soul as I persevere to turn from sin. 

Thanksgiving – I am thankful for Jehovah who loved me so much that He came to earth as a man and paid my sin on the cross. Thank you is not a strong enough word but it is all I have. I am thankful that Jesus is present in my life through the indwelling Holy Spirit. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit is ready all the time to provide guidance to me, to give me peace, joy, and much more.

Supplication – LORD help me today to humbly submit to Your will for my life; to realize Your presence in my life all the time. To be led by the Holy Spirit so I will submit to my sinful nature. Help me in the daily battle between my sinful nature and the Holy Spirit. Let me be filled by the Spirit today and walk in the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrol. In the name of Jesus. Amen [ZZ]

Henry Luke — To receive my daily blog posts scroll to “Follow” and add your email. See Romans by Henry Luke and Major Ellison to review our book.  

[Notes]: A– [1] For how to have peace with God and become a Disciple [Y] click here, [2] for how to have the peace of God and grow as a Disciple click here, and [3] for how to teach Disciples to be Disciple-makers click here;

N- elohiym – God of power, Creator, Mighty and Strong; O- Jehovah – LORD – God of promise, presence, accessibility, near to those who call on Him for deliverance [Psalm 107:13], forgiveness [Psalm 25:11] and guidance [Psalm 31:3]. ; P-Adonai – Lord – Master – title, proper name.

Y- “Disciples” or “Christians”?; Z- For the name, I normally use for the Lord Jesus Christ, click hereZZ– Ideas from “Praying through the Names of God” by Tony Evans;

Disclaimer: My Personal Journey by Henry Luke has no control over any advertising that may appear on this blog post and receives no payment for it. Ads & their links come from Word Press or other sources.

The Trinity – God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. [Genesis 1:1 NASB]

The Hebrew word for God is ElohimElohim is a plural noun but it is used here with a singular verb bara.  The conclusion to be drawn is that in some sense God is both singular and plural.

The phrase “let Us again gives the idea of plurality.

Then God said, “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

After Adam and Eve sinned the Bible said, “Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—” Genesis 2:22 NASB

At the incident at the Tower of Babel, we read God saying “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”” Genesis 11:7 NASB

Isaiah the prophet recorded God saying. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”  Isaiah 6:8 NASB

“For your husband is your Maker, Whose name is the Lord of hosts; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth.” Isaiah 54:5 NASB

The word translated, “Maker” is plural in Hebrew.

” 16 Come near to Me, listen to this: From the first I have not spoken in secret, From the time it took place, I was there. And now the Lord God has sent Me, and His Spirit.” 17 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:16-17 NASB

In verse sixteen, God the Son is speaking. He identifies the Father [the Sovereign Lord] and His Spirit as having sent Him. In the next verse, the Son is clearly spoken of as the Lord. Consequently, these verses identify the Trinity.”

Summary from this Source

Henry Luke

For how to have peace with God click here, how to have peace of God click here, and how to disciple others click here. For real-time decisions for Jesus all over the world by location and be encouraged click here.



Since moral and natural evil exist in the world can God be both good and loving?

The answer to this question begins with the creation of the universe by God. “God saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good.” [Genesis 1:31] God created humans in His own image. He gave humans a free will so they would not be robots, but someone who could voluntarily decide to accept Him, love Him and serve Him or reject Him. In the perfect garden of Eden, He gave Adam and Eve one negative command “from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat” [Genesis 2:17]

However, we know Eve and Adam were tempted by Satans lies and they voluntarily took the fruit and ate. From that day forward death was the result for all men and women and they live a life of trouble and toil. [Genesis 3]. The creation itself groans and suffers [Romans 8:19-23].

Because the natural environment was corrupted as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve there are earthquakes, hurricanes and other events called natural disasters or evil today.

Because people have a free will they choose to do evil things like the recent mass murders of people in the USA and all over the world. So both moral and natural evil result from God creating people with a free will. However, God provided a way of escape because He is both good and loving.

Throughout the Bible, promises are made for a Savior who would provide relief from His banishment because of sin. About 2,000 years ago the first part of this promise was fulfilled when Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived, was crucified, buried, arose the 3rd day and 40 days later ascended to heaven. He left with the promise that He would return and have the final victory over sin and those who reject Him. This is a well-documented set of events. For evidence click from Lee Strobel here, J. Warner Wallace here, and Josh & Sean McDowell here.

Therefore, each person has the opportunity to believe in Jesus and receive eternal life with Jesus on earth and later in eternity. For help with this question click here.

Henry Luke 7/17/2018

The basics of the Gospel begin on the Genesis Road

People must first understand that God created them and that they are therefore responsible to Him. Next they have to understand that they have broken God’s law and are under His condemnation and judgment. Then they can understand that the Creator died to save them. This all begins with Adam in Genesis.

1. God created mankind in Adam. (Genesis 1:26-28)
2. Adam sinned and deserves death. (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:2-7)
3. The Creator died to save mankind from the death penalty for sin. (Genesis 3:15)

America Needs the Genesis Road

Paul Used the Genesis Road

For full post use link below