We are to be witnesses for Jesus

H- [X] – Luke 24:44-48…44 Now He said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are
written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46 and He said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, 47 and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. NASB From Spring 2020 Daily Devotionals

E- This week’s devotionals began with the empty tomb and end 40 days later with the ascension of the resurrected Jesus into heaven.

v.44c Jesus reminded us of all the things written about Him in the Law of MosesGen 3:15; 12:3; Num 21:9 [John 3:14]; Deut 18:15 [John 1:45]; John 5:46 and the Prophets and the Psalms: 2 Sam 7:12-16; Is 7:14 [Matt 1:23]; Is 9:1f [Matt 4:15f]; Is 42:1 [Matt 12:18ff]; Is 53:4 [Matt 8:17]; Luke 22:37]; Dan 7:13 [Matt 24:30]; Mic 5:2 [Matt 2:6]; Zech 9:9 [Matt 21:5]; Acts 13:27; and all must be fulfilled. Praise the Lord some 300 Old Testament promises about Jesus were fulfilled with His 1st coming as a suffering servant. This gives us great confidence the rest will be fulfilled with His 2nd coming as the victorious King.

Vv.45 Jesus opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures and all He had told them. This included the gospel of Jesus being proclaimed to all nations beginning in Jerusalem.

V.48 All Disciples [A] are witnesses to these things through the Bible and the presence of Triune God in our hearts constantly.

A- [X]  Today as witnesses to the glory of Jesus we have a message to share with a world hurting in the midst of the ravages of the Coronavirus. Jesus is the only answer.

R- O God help me to be constantly aware of Your presence and voice–and to share Your message!

Q- How are you responding to the command to be a witness for Jesus?

Henry Luke             To receive all my blog posts scroll all the way down to Follow and add your email.

Notes: A- For how to have peace with God and become a Disciple  [Y] click herefor how to have the peace of God and grow as a Disciple click here, for how to teach Disciples to be Disciple-makers click here;

T- Help from [1]  Warren Wiersbe Bible Exposition Commentary or  [2] Austin Commentaries by Book or [3]  BibleHub Commentaries; [4]  Blue Letter Bible;  X- 4 steps in The H.E.A.R method of Bible study and worship; Y- Disciples” or “Christians”?;  Z- For the name, I normally use for the Lord Jesus Christ, click here;

Disclaimer: My Personal Journey by Henry Luke has no control over any advertising that may appear on this blog post and receives no payment for it. Ads & their links come from Word Press

Jesus said “Peace be to you.”

H- [X] Luke 24:36-43…36 While they were telling these things, He Himself
stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be to you.” 37 But they were
startled and frightened and thought that they were seeing a spirit. 38 And He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 40 And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. 41 While they still could not believe it because of their joy and amazement, He said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42 They gave Him a piece of a broiled fish; 43 and He took it and ate it before them. NASB From Spring 2020 Daily Devotionals

E- This week’s devotionals began with the empty tomb and end 40 days later with the ascension of the resurrected Jesus into heaven.

Vv.13-35…relate the experience of Jesus revealing Himself to the two men on the road to Emmaus. Before recognizing Him as Jesus; 27 Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.” After Jesus revealed Himself and departed, the 2 men returned to Jerusalem and described their experience to the Apostles and others [vv.31-35].

Then Jesus appeared in the midst of the 11 disciples and others. He said, “Peace be to you”. The 4 greatest words anyone can hear! Despite the witness of the women, the 2 men, and probably Peter and John they were startled and frightened and thought they were seeing a spirit. Jesus asked 2 questions beginning with why in v.38. Jesus then gave them these witnesses that He was in His resurrected body; He showed them the scars in His hands and feet, ask them to touch Him to confirm a solid body, and He ate a piece of broiled fish vv.38-43.

This day would take the fear from the disciples who became the 11 Apostles who spread the Gospel of Jesus to Europe and Asia. They were fearless in the face of opposition.

A- [X]  Today the Holy Spirit represents God and Jesus in the lives of Disciples [A] along with the written Word. The Triune God is just as present to me today as Jesus was to the people in the room on resurrection Sunday. Am I listening to Him or ignoring Him is the question every day?

R- O God help me to be constantly aware of Your presence and voice–listening and obeying!

Q- How are you responding to the presence and voice of Triune God?

Post-Resurrection Timeline


Henry Luke             To receive all my blog posts scroll all the way down to Follow and add your email.

Notes: A- For how to have peace with God and become a Disciple [Y] click herefor how to have the peace of God and grow as a Disciple click here, for how to teach Disciples to be Disciple-makers click here;

T- Help from [1]  Warren Wiersbe Bible Exposition Commentary or  [2] Austin Commentaries by Book or [3]  BibleHub Commentaries; [4]  Blue Letter Bible;  X- 4 steps in The H.E.A.R method of Bible study and worship; Y- Disciples” or “Christians”?;  Z- For the name, I normally use for the Lord Jesus Christ, click here;

Disclaimer: My Personal Journey by Henry Luke has no control over any advertising that may appear on this blog post and receives no payment for it. Ads & their links come from Word Press

Resurrection Confirmed.

H- [X] Luke 24:10-12…10 Now they were Mary Magdalene and Joanna and
Mary the mother of James; also the other women with them were telling these things to the apostles. 11 But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe them. 12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen wrappings only; and he went away to his home, marveling at what had happened.
 NASB From Spring 2020 Daily Devotionals

E- This week’s devotionals began with the empty tomb and end 40 days later with the ascension of the resurrected Jesus into heaven.

These women had gone to the open tomb seeing the two angels telling them Jesus is risen and go tell the others. So they went and told the 11 apostles but they would not believe the women; “11 But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe them”. In Mark’s account directly from Peter, Peter ran ahead to the tomb and saw the “linen wrappings only” and he departed marveling.

What a lot to take in from Sunday to Sunday. Jesus had arrived in Jerusalem riding a donkey on what we now call Palm Sunday and was worshipped as King of Israel. Then on Friday Jesus was crucified and now on the 3rd day, Jesus had arisen.  But at this point, the Apostles other than Simon Peter [Luke 24:34, 1 Corinthians 15:5] had not seen Him.

Post-Resurrection Timeline


A- [X] I am thinking that I have all these 500+ witnesses to the resurrection, the entirety of the OT and NT in modern English and many other languages. How do my beliefs and applications compare with the commands of the revealed Word of God?

R- O God help me believe and apply Your living Words-all of them.

Q- How do you respond to v.11 about all the commands of the New Testament?

Henry Luke             To receive all my blog posts scroll all the way down to Follow and add your email.

Notes: A- For how to have peace with God and become a Disciple [Y] click herefor how to have the peace of God and grow as a Disciple click here, for how to teach Disciples to be Disciple-makers click here;

T- Help from [1]  Warren Wiersbe Bible Exposition Commentary or  [2] Austin Commentaries by Book or [3]  BibleHub Commentaries; [4]  Blue Letter Bible;  X- 4 steps in The H.E.A.R method of Bible study and worship; Y- Disciples” or “Christians”?;  Z- For the name, I normally use for the Lord Jesus Christ, click here;

Disclaimer: My Personal Journey by Henry Luke has no control over any advertising that may appear on this blog post and receives no payment for it. Ads & their links come from Word Press

Resurrection Reported

H- [X] Luke 24:4-9...4 While they were perplexed about this, behold, two
men suddenly stood near them in dazzling clothing; 5 and as the women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living One among the dead? 6 He is not here, but He has risen. Remember how He spoke to you while He was still in Galilee, 7 saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.” 8 And they remembered His words, 9 and returned from the tomb and reported all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. NASB From Spring 2020 Daily Devotionals

E- This week’s devotionals begin with the empty tomb and end 40 days later with the ascension of the resurrected Jesus into heaven.

Arriving at the tomb to find the stone removed perplexed the women. Then their confusion increased as two men appeared in dazzling clothes. The women were understandably terrified. The two men said to them He has risen. Remember what he told you. They thought to themselves we did not believe His repeatedly telling us about His death and resurrection coming. Could it be true?

I believe Jesus was elevating the women by them receiving the news first instead of the men.  Tomorrow we will see the men’s reaction to the news reported by the women.

We should not be too hard on the women and Disciples [A] unbelief because we have our own problems of not believing Jesus. He tells us to keep His commandments but we put them off or ignore them.

A- [X] I need to review my mind and actions to see what I am demonstrating that I do not believe by my actions.

R- O God help me believe and apply Your living Words-all of them.

Q- How are you spending your devotional time leading up to Easter?

Henry Luke             To receive all my blog posts scroll all the way down to Follow and add your email.

Notes: A- For how to have peace with God and become a Disciple [Y] click herefor how to have the peace of God and grow as a Disciple click here, for how to teach Disciples to be Disciple-makers click here;

T- Help from [1]  Warren Wiersbe Bible Exposition Commentary or  [2] Austin Commentaries by Book or [3]  BibleHub Commentaries; [4]  Blue Letter Bible;  X- 4 steps in The H.E.A.R method of Bible study and worship; Y- Disciples” or “Christians”?;  Z- For the name, I normally use for the Lord Jesus Christ, click here;

Disclaimer: My Personal Journey by Henry Luke has no control over any advertising that may appear on this blog post and receives no payment for it. Ads & their links come from Word Press.

Resurrection Discovered

H- [X]  Luke 24:1-3…1 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. NASB From Spring 2020 Daily Devotionals

E- This week’s devotionals begin with the empty tomb and end 40 days later with the ascension of the resurrected Jesus into heaven.

After the despair of Friday, then the Sabbath observance, the women trudged to the tomb early in the morning. Not thinking about how they would roll back the heavy stone from the tomb they came with more spices to apply to His body. The Sabbath must 0f been a day of heartbreak. They had so much hope that Jesus was the Messiah come to deliver the Jews from the reign of Rome. But instead, the Jewish religious leaders and Rome had crucified Jesus. Their dream was no more.

They forgot or did not believe the many times Jesus had told them He was to be killed but on the 3rd day He would arise from the dead! They arrived at the tomb and found the stone rolled and the body of Jesus was missing.

We should not be too hard on the women and Disciples [A] unbelief because we have our own problems of not believing Jesus. He tells us to keep His commandments but we put them off or ignore them.

A- [X] I must believe and apply all of the Words of God.

R- O God help me believe and apply Your living Words-all of them.

Q- How are you doing at believing and applying the living Words of God.?

Henry Luke             To receive all my blog posts scroll all the way down to Follow and add your email.

Notes: A- For how to have peace with God and become a Disciple [Y] click herefor how to have the peace of God and grow as a Disciple click here, for how to teach Disciples to be Disciple-makers click here;

T- Help from [1]  Warren Wiersbe Bible Exposition Commentary or  [2] Austin Commentaries by Book or [3]  BibleHub Commentaries; [4]  Blue Letter Bible;  X- 4 steps in The H.E.A.R method of Bible study and worship; Y- Disciples” or “Christians”?;  Z- For the name, I normally use for the Lord Jesus Christ, click here;

Disclaimer: My Personal Journey by Henry Luke has no control over any advertising that may appear on this blog post and receives no payment for it. Ads & their links come from Word Press.

The order of the appearances of Jesus in the 40 days between His resurrection & ascension.

Not everyone agrees on the order below.  For example some believe (7) & (8) are one appearance. I do not. However, (8) may have occurred before (7).

In and around Jerusalem:

On the day of His resurrection:(1) To Mary Magdalene John 10:14-18 . Mark 16:9

(2) To the women returning from the tomb with angelic message Matthew 28:8-10 .

(3) To Peter, probably in the afternoon Luke 24:34 ; 1 Corinthians 15:5 .

(4) To the Emmaus disciples toward evening Luke 24:13-31 . Mark 16:12-13

(5) To the eleven apostles, except Thomas Luke 24:36-43 ; John 20:19-24 . Mark 16:14

(6) Eight days afterward: to the eleven apostles, Thomas being present John 20:24-29 .

The disciples go to Galilee where they spent the next 21 +/- days

(7) To the seven apostles by the Lake of Tiberias or Sea of Galilee John 21:1-23 .

(8) To the eleven apostles at the mountain in Galilee: Matthew 28:16-20 ; v.16  “But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated”  NASB

(9) To five hundred disciples 1 Corinthians 15:6 .

(10) To James half-brother of Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:7 .

Ascension Day near Jerusalem, 40 days after His resurrection

(11) To the eleven apostles at Mount Olivet near Jerusalem: Acts 1:3-12 .  Mark 16:19 -20; Luke 24:44-53

Ten days after His ascension the Holy Spirit came as promised in Jerusalem Acts 2

After His Ascension

(12) To Stephen outside Jerusalem Acts 7:55

(13) To Paul: Near Damascus Acts 9:3-6 ; 1 Corinthians 15:8

(14) To Paul: In the temple Acts 22:17-21 ; 23:11 .

(15) To John on Patmos Revelation 1:10-19 .

Source: Modified by Henry Luke from Scofield Bible Study Notes for Matthew 28:9 free on-line. 

Modifications partially from  J. B. New Testament  Maps:  http://www.ccel.org/bible/phillips/CN194-NEW_BEGINNING.htm

Link to Scofield notes for entire Bible free on line: http://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/scofield-reference-notes/

J B Phillips Translation—a rich trove of information.  THE NEW TESTAMENT WITH NOTES and MAPS People, Places, Customs, Concepts, Journeys


Henry Luke — To receive my daily blog posts scroll to “Follow” and add your email. Enter Romans by Henry Luke and Major Ellison in Amazon or Google to order. Disclaimer: My Personal Journey by Henry Luke has no control over any advertising that may appear on this blog post and receives no payment for it. Ads & their links come from Word Press or other sources.

[Notes]: A- [1] For how to have peace with God and become a Disciple [Y] click here, [2] for how to have the peace of God and grow as a Disciple click here, and [3] for how to teach Disciples to be Disciple-makers click here; Y- Disciples” or “Christians”?;

FBC SS Personal Study Guide (PSG) Spring “Acts”

In the link below for May 23-May 29 Bible Study Lesson print pages 88-94


Acts 5 Faithful 4-17-2016

Acts 4_5 4-10-2016 Integrity

Acts 2_3-20-2016

Luke 24_1-12 Resurrected 3-27-2016

I had Open Heart Surgery on April 25, 2016 and missed teaching starting 4/17/2016 and ending 7/24/2016

Henry Luke

email mail@lukevision.com

discipleship blog https://thehlukejourney.wordpress.com/

harp solo by Barbara  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edlwv2ZWXr8